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Year of birth: 1983
Elected: Chairman since 2023
Committee work: Chair of the Remuneration Committee


Professional experience (selection):
Founder & CEO, Vestum
Founder and CEO, Sortera AB
Founder and CEO, RYK GROUP
Board member, Norsk Gjenvinning


Significant commitments outside Vestum:
Board member, RYK GROUP

Holdings in Vestum (including related parties):
67 000 000 shares
630 176 warrants of series 2021/2025
1 015 961 warrants of series 2022/2025


Dependent of the company, the company’s management and the company’s major shareholders


Board member

Year of birth: 1960
Elected: Board member since 2019 (chairman 2019-2023)
Committee work: -


Principal education:
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Business administration


Professional experience (selection):
Founder, Mangold Fondkommission
Founder, GoMobile nu

Significant commitments outside Vestum:
Chairman, Mangold Fondkommission
Board member, GoMobile nu
Board member, Bong

Holdings in Vestum (including related parties):
14 546 923 shares


Independent of the company, the company’s management and the company’s major shareholders


Board member

Year of birth: 1975
Elected: Board member since 2016
Committee work: Chair of the Audit Committee


Principal education:
Independent courses in business administration and law


Professional experience (selection):
CEO, Novestra
CFO, Qbranch

Significant commitments outside Vestum:
CFO, Strax

Holdings in Vestum (including related parties):
435 435 shares


Independent of the company, the company’s management and the company’s major shareholders


Board member

Year of birth: 1968
Elected: Board member since 2021
Committee work: Member of the Audit Committee


Principal education:
Compulsory school


Professional experience (selection):
Founder, Rosenqvist Gruppen
Founder, Rosenqvist Entreprenad

Significant commitments outside Vestum:
CEO and board member, Rosenqvist Gruppen

Holdings in Vestum (including related parties):
38 500 000 shares


Independent of the company, the company’s management and the company’s major shareholders


Board member

Year of birth: 1981
Elected: Board member since 2021
Committee work: Member of the Remuneration Committee


Principal education:
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Engineering Physics


Professional experience (selection):
Chief Sustainability & Strategy Officer, X Shore
Head of Via Summa, Summa Equity
Senior Director, Arla Foods

Significant commitments outside Vestum:
Chief Strategy Officer, Solkompaniet

Holdings in Vestum (including related parties):


Independent of the company, the company’s management and the company’s major shareholders


Board member

Year of birth: 1984
Elected: Board member since 2023
Committee work: Member of the Audit Committee


Principal education:
Master of Science (M.Sc.), Business


Professional experience (selection):
Director, Business Insight, Enento GroupHead of Consumer, Collector BankCEO, Lendo


Significant commitments outside Vestum:CEO, VIEW Group Sweden
Board member, Duunitori


Holdings in Vestum (including related parties):


Independent of the company, the company’s management and the company’s major shareholders

*Related parties – definition

Spouse or person who is regarded as equal to a spouse, such as a person with whom the insider has entered into a partnership.

Children in the custody of the person in a leading position.

Relatives who have shared the same household for at least one year at the date of the transaction, such as adult children.

Legal entities
a) whose management duties are performed by a person in a senior position or a physical relative, or
b) which is directly or indirectly controlled by such person, or
c) which has been established for the benefit of such person, or
d) whose financial interests essentially correspond to the interests of such person.